Venue: The White House Community Association
Date: 08 Mar 09 to 08 Mar 09
Controller: Mr Richard James
Timings: 30 mins to completion.
1 Wilson, Matthew W........ 68D 245966J w39+ b19+ w10= b27+ w24+ w4+ 5½ 6 552 92
2 Miles, Barry S........... 78X 163954H w16+ b17- w19+ b21+ w11+ b13+ 5 6 510 85
3 Powell, Timothy J........ 73B 214930J w28+ b23+ w18+ b9- w15+ b12+ 5 6 538 90
4 Tilston, Jamie D......... 78C 267813F b34+ w30+ b7+ w13+ w9+ b1- 5 6 550 92
5 Simms, Ben............... 67C 271010K b35+ w22+ w9- b24+ w28+ b10= 4½ 6 449 75
6 Chui, E.................. 50e w13- b8+ b21- w36+ w20+ b15+ 4 6 385 64
7 Claridge-Hansen, William. 64A 267799E w33+ b15+ w4- b23+ w12- b18+ 4 6 422 70
8 Davis, John G............ 72A 273499A b31- w6- b33+ w29+ b30+ w19+ 4 6 364 61
9 Dulley, Richard.......... 79B 109923B b21+ w12+ b5+ w3+ b4- w24- 4 6 489 82
10 Gannaway, Ian............ 54A 272416K b40+ w38+ b1= w12- b26+ w5= 4 6 424 71
11 Hollington, Mike......... 52* 275969L w17- b37+ w34+ b18+ b2- w23+ 4 6 416 69
12 Sutton, Chris............ 60e w37+ b9- w28+ b10+ b7+ w3- 4 6 450 75
13 Wolf, Shan Conrad........ 45* 275708E b6+ w31+ b17+ b4- w27+ w2- 4 6 444 74
14 Bartella, Pino........... 1B 263502B bye= bye= bye- w31= b39+ w26+ 3½ 3 214 71
15 Connor, Mark............. 28A 271667H b24+ w7- b30+ w17+ b3- w6- 3 6 353 59
16 Gillard, Andrew L........ 49B 214931L b2- w29+ b27- w22- b40+ w30+ 3 6 233 39
17 Khudoliy, Vadym.......... 61A 273218L b11+ w2+ w13- b15- w23- b31+ 3 6 297 50
18 Nettleton, Charlie....... 62A 267573A b29+ w26+ b3- w11- b22+ w7- 3 6 292 49
19 Pineda, Rustico.......... 46A 256190G bye+ w1- b2- w25+ w21+ b8- 3 5 233 47
20 Poobalasingam, Iyampillai 58D 208913A b22- w35+ b31+ w26- b6- w29+ 3 6 228 38
21 Rajaratnam, Thushaan..... 57A 271011A w9- b39+ w6+ w2- b19- b27+ 3 6 323 54
22 Sainbayar, Amukhulan..... 23A 267335G w20+ b5- w23- b16+ w18- b28+ 3 6 336 56
23 Simms, Jake.............. 54C 267950E b25+ w3- b22+ w7- b17+ b11- 3 6 287 48
24 White, John RA........... 54A 121494K w15- b33+ w40+ w5- b1- b9+ 3 6 296 49
25 Micoui, Charles.......... 8* 272133J w23- b28- w39+ b19- b35= w40+ 2½ 6 160 27
26 Ruse, Barry.............. 50E 273501F bye= b18- w36+ b20+ w10- b14- 2½ 5 159 32
27 Ruse, Jake............... 37E 273502H bye= b32+ w16+ w1- b13- w21- 2½ 5 210 42
28 Benton, Phil............. 50d b3- w25+ b12- w40+ b5- w22- 2 6 143 24
29 Bloom, Joshua............ 30e w18- b16- w32+ b8- w34+ b20- 2 6 211 35
30 Brett, Alex I............ 56A 179703H w36+ b4- w15- b37+ w8- b16- 2 6 182 30
31 Farrar, Adam............. 40e w8+ b13- w20- b14= w37= w17- 2 6 167 28
32 Mathias, Irene........... 41A 264253A b38- w27- b29- w35- bye+ b39+ 2 5 50 10
33 Richardson, Santiago..... 40e b7- w24- w8- b34+ b36+ 2 5 196 39
34 Benton, Joe J............ 31* 267871J w4- b36= b11- w33- b29- w35+ 1½ 6 103 17
35 Coombes, Fred............ 35X 102009C w5- b20- w37- b32+ w25= b34- 1½ 6 85 14
36 Farrar, Ellis............ 25e b30- w34= b26- b6- w33- bye+ 1½ 5 27 5
37 Richardson, Stefano...... 30e b12- w11- b35+ w30- b31= 1½ 5 143 29
38 Sgaramella, Nicholas..... 65e w32+ b10- bye= 1½ 2 95 48
39 Anandajeyarajah, Jim V... 33* 242071F b1- w21- b25- bye+ w14- w32- 1 5 -75 -15
40 Simms, Oscar............. 0E 272846B w10- bye+ b24- b28- w16- b25- 1 5 -82 -16
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
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